Hi!Today I'll be reviewing on The Face Shop's Chia Seed Sebum Control Moisture Cream.Though this' kind of late,since this product has been out for a while hee.I first found out about this product early February this year.After reading a couple of reviews,I decided to get it.Since it was hard for me to purchase it in India,I called one of the Face Shop store they have in The Empire mall in Subang Jaya. Luckily the worker there told me there were only 2 jars left-since it's one of their best sellers.I just had to grab hold on the moisturiser so I got my sister to buy it for me:D Since I got back home I've been using it for almost 2 weeks now-well,not really in a regular manner:p But I have to say,it gave quite a good impression on me.First,I've got to brag about it's packaging!I like the cover-it's simple,cute & has that "hygienic" feel to it,if you know what I mean.The sides of the box have descriptions in Korean but it also have ones in English,which I'm happy for so that I don't have to Google for them.
On the box it says;oil-free translucent cream(amongst other things I like about it!),providing hydration with moisture seed & sebum control with cotton seed.This' my first time hearing of chia seeds.So I took some time to Google them found out some people use them in their cooking,so it's good for both the skin & body.On the box it also says that chia seeds can hold moisture 10 times their own weight hence when putting it on,it fills inside the skin with moisture.Like most girls,I have combination skin.Mainly oily,so I contemplated a lot before deciding to get myself a moisturiser,That's why I'll always try to find a gel-based moisturiser.This moisturiser definitely gets a plus for being gel-based.Plus there's 0% oil in this.Hence I was tempted!
As you can see,its lovely lovely packaging... |
Its jar! |
A lil' spatula comes with it |
Cute heart shaped "knob"-makes it easier to open the plastic cover |
Wanted to show you how the bulk of the moisturiser is mainly its jar-it's only 50ml! |
Nice translucent gel-based moisturiser :) |
I've got jelly on me hands!! |
The first time I tried it on,it had quite a "heavy" feel to it & it felt a lil' sticky on the face.I don't know if it's supposed to be like that or if it's because of the hot humid weather in Malaysia,that made me feel like that.It was a bit hard to spread over the face because of its texture,so I had to use a lil' more to cover the whole face.But since I also put sunscreen on top,I've minimized the the "adding" part since sunscreens have moisturising properties too.One thing's for sure;it's got a nice scent-not too strong nor perfume-like,which I'm not really in to.Instead,it's got a "clean" scent to it,a lil' fruity-matches it's clean look:
My verdict
So I've used it for almost 2 weeks now,and I'm happy with what it does to my skin:)My face usually gets really oily by noon,but using this,it kind of minimized that.Plus if you're wearing sunscreens too,you'd have to only spread it thinly over the face,then only put on the sunscreen-so your face won't get overly moisturised,especially if you have oily skin.I've read some reviews on line,most people with sensitive skin says they get breakouts but I have combination skin that includes sensitive,oily & dry-depending on the season,& so far I've not experienced any breakouts,so I guess it's effect differs with people with sensitive skin & other skin types.I suggest for those who'd like to buy this product,you should try it first or ask for samples fist & try it out,before actually deciding to buy it.Because it's quite costly;for 50ml I bought it for RM115.I,obviously didn't try it out first,the temptation was too much,& bought it based solely on the reviews -which's wrong!Don't follow me:pAll in all, it's a keeper for now-but once I do finish it, I may look out for better moisturisers out there hee & make more reviews!Hahahaha.Plus the ambassador for this product is Miss A's Suzy(might be another reason why I just had to buy it:p)-so we'd all be wondering this may be why she's got such great skin!
Hi, first of all i see you make a good review of this product :)
ReplyDeleteI just made an English subtitles for the CF of The Face Shop Sebum Control Moisture Cream
I hope this helps making your reviews even better, if you don’t mind ^^
Korean Subbed CF