Hi guys!How was your weekend?Hopefully it went well.Mine was so-so.My lil' sister came home from college for the weekend.Well there was nothing unusual to that, since she comes back home every other weekend.Explains my lack of excitement during the the weekend haha.But that's that. I've been secretly excited for this week for the whole weekend.Secretly you ask?You'll know in a bit:p
Apparently my house mate & I, back in Bangalore kind of did something crazy.It's actually kinda my fault since I introduced this one blog to her.Guess what!?The blog sell merchandises of both of our favourite boy group Exo!For those of you who don't know Exo-they're a 12 membered boy group from South Korea.They've made a debut since 2012,but we've only started noticing them late last year:D I've already told you guys on how I got stuck to these boys-this' all Jane,my house mate's fault:p Yet,I'm thankful that she "opened my heart" to them-bcoz never in a million years I'd thought I'd make a U-turn & go all crazy of boy groups again!But no regrets here!Thanks Jane!!
Anyways,going back to how excited I'am about the blog shop I was talking to you earlier,both of us in all our craziness-bought ourselves, each;
1.Exo's Nature Republic handcream set
2.Exo Golden Disk Awards' sweatshirt
I know what you're thinking;we've gone nuts!Though I know,out there,there're more hardcore fans who'd go around buying more-so that's how I tell myself 'it's ok' :p.Besides selling these 2,the blog,Naddy's Shop Lot,also sells stuffs of One Direction & Justin Bieber.The conclusion=this' a "pretty boys' fandom's shopping heaven".And I'm in the fandom yikes!For the handcream,we both bought ourselves a set of 6 each.This was during our 2nd year finals Professional Exam's study week-guess we were stressed out huh :pI've made a personal request to the blogger to specifically get me a green tea scented handcream-there's a reason to this tooo!Apparently each different scented handcreams of Nature Republic represent each Exo members.By looking at the pictures I've put on the sidebar,obviously my ultimate bias in Exo would be Kris!I even got myself his initials that is 'Kris 00" for the Golden Disk Award's sweatshirt that I ordered.Instead,Jane got herself Luhan's with his initial -the number 7.I didn't really told my parents I bought them hee,I've only told my mom-not my dad.He'll be like "Something's wrong with my daughter":p.My mom must have been startled when I told her about it haha.Felt kinda bad for them.Bcoz back when I was 14 till I was 19,was really into football.My friends & I were known as football freaks.We went to watch football matches at the stadium,discussions of pre & post matches during recess,played football & futsal & almost all other things you'd imagine football fanatics would do!During that time my parents had to put up with my craziness but they weren't opposing or anything.Instead I think they're kinda glad I was like that-acting like how normal teenage girls would be like at that age.Except that that not all girls at that age are crazy over football.That's why I love my girlfriends who were a lil' different than the other girls in my school.But then I changed school-boarding school ,to be exact when I was 16.Then,sooner than later,my love for football declined.Being far away from them & not having anyone to talk about football with resulted to that.But that's another story-some of my close friends would know of bcoz I'll be whining about that whenever I'd think of the past:p But now since I've got Jane to talk to about our love for Exo,fan girling seems too fun to not to,you know what I mean??And since I'm 21(turning 22 this year,but still want too keep my 'I'm 21 status' for as long as possible :p)I do understand the wierd faces people would make when they see me in "this" state.Gosh!I make fangirling sound like it's such a bad thing!Sorry fan girls out there.Especially to Exo fan girls.No it's not wrong to be one as long as anyone of us don't go too overboard like neglecting ourselves,our social life or even our family & friends.If all of that's fine & in a balanced state then I don't see anything wron g with it!Plus you can be of any age to be a fangirl & not feel guilty about it!I'm actually trying to reassure myself right now of my recent rendezvous at Naddy's Shop Lot hahax.
So yeah,I'm a 21 years old+ obsessive + compulsive Exo fan :D-who knows my limit,of course:DAnyways I'm still in excited mode & can't wait for the postman to give me the parcel.Hopefully it comes before the end of this week-bcoz I've been bugging the blogger a lot due to my lack of impatience-who can blame me?!If you're an Exo fan you'd understand T.T-only an Exotic would.Exotic is the name of Exo's official fan club.Thought of signing myself & Jane into the Malaysian official Exotic fan club,but backed down thinking of all the more obsessive feelings for Exo(especially Kris!)that'll build up-too much!Plus being a hardcore fan is hard work!You need dedication & perseverance-I know what it feels like.That's how I felt during my football era.So if I ever do get my parcel,I'd post about them & brag 24/7-so hopefully the sweatshirt will turn out ok since it's with Kris' initials!
So till then bye!Thank you for reading!
Ps here are some of my favourites of Exo!
My bias Kris!
Apparently my house mate & I, back in Bangalore kind of did something crazy.It's actually kinda my fault since I introduced this one blog to her.Guess what!?The blog sell merchandises of both of our favourite boy group Exo!For those of you who don't know Exo-they're a 12 membered boy group from South Korea.They've made a debut since 2012,but we've only started noticing them late last year:D I've already told you guys on how I got stuck to these boys-this' all Jane,my house mate's fault:p Yet,I'm thankful that she "opened my heart" to them-bcoz never in a million years I'd thought I'd make a U-turn & go all crazy of boy groups again!But no regrets here!Thanks Jane!!
Anyways,going back to how excited I'am about the blog shop I was talking to you earlier,both of us in all our craziness-bought ourselves, each;
1.Exo's Nature Republic handcream set
2.Exo Golden Disk Awards' sweatshirt
I know what you're thinking;we've gone nuts!Though I know,out there,there're more hardcore fans who'd go around buying more-so that's how I tell myself 'it's ok' :p.Besides selling these 2,the blog,Naddy's Shop Lot,also sells stuffs of One Direction & Justin Bieber.The conclusion=this' a "pretty boys' fandom's shopping heaven".And I'm in the fandom yikes!For the handcream,we both bought ourselves a set of 6 each.This was during our 2nd year finals Professional Exam's study week-guess we were stressed out huh :pI've made a personal request to the blogger to specifically get me a green tea scented handcream-there's a reason to this tooo!Apparently each different scented handcreams of Nature Republic represent each Exo members.By looking at the pictures I've put on the sidebar,obviously my ultimate bias in Exo would be Kris!I even got myself his initials that is 'Kris 00" for the Golden Disk Award's sweatshirt that I ordered.Instead,Jane got herself Luhan's with his initial -the number 7.I didn't really told my parents I bought them hee,I've only told my mom-not my dad.He'll be like "Something's wrong with my daughter":p.My mom must have been startled when I told her about it haha.Felt kinda bad for them.Bcoz back when I was 14 till I was 19,was really into football.My friends & I were known as football freaks.We went to watch football matches at the stadium,discussions of pre & post matches during recess,played football & futsal & almost all other things you'd imagine football fanatics would do!During that time my parents had to put up with my craziness but they weren't opposing or anything.Instead I think they're kinda glad I was like that-acting like how normal teenage girls would be like at that age.Except that that not all girls at that age are crazy over football.That's why I love my girlfriends who were a lil' different than the other girls in my school.But then I changed school-boarding school ,to be exact when I was 16.Then,sooner than later,my love for football declined.Being far away from them & not having anyone to talk about football with resulted to that.But that's another story-some of my close friends would know of bcoz I'll be whining about that whenever I'd think of the past:p But now since I've got Jane to talk to about our love for Exo,fan girling seems too fun to not to,you know what I mean??And since I'm 21(turning 22 this year,but still want too keep my 'I'm 21 status' for as long as possible :p)I do understand the wierd faces people would make when they see me in "this" state.Gosh!I make fangirling sound like it's such a bad thing!Sorry fan girls out there.Especially to Exo fan girls.No it's not wrong to be one as long as anyone of us don't go too overboard like neglecting ourselves,our social life or even our family & friends.If all of that's fine & in a balanced state then I don't see anything wron g with it!Plus you can be of any age to be a fangirl & not feel guilty about it!I'm actually trying to reassure myself right now of my recent rendezvous at Naddy's Shop Lot hahax.
So yeah,I'm a 21 years old+ obsessive + compulsive Exo fan :D-who knows my limit,of course:DAnyways I'm still in excited mode & can't wait for the postman to give me the parcel.Hopefully it comes before the end of this week-bcoz I've been bugging the blogger a lot due to my lack of impatience-who can blame me?!If you're an Exo fan you'd understand T.T-only an Exotic would.Exotic is the name of Exo's official fan club.Thought of signing myself & Jane into the Malaysian official Exotic fan club,but backed down thinking of all the more obsessive feelings for Exo(especially Kris!)that'll build up-too much!Plus being a hardcore fan is hard work!You need dedication & perseverance-I know what it feels like.That's how I felt during my football era.So if I ever do get my parcel,I'd post about them & brag 24/7-so hopefully the sweatshirt will turn out ok since it's with Kris' initials!
So till then bye!Thank you for reading!
Ps here are some of my favourites of Exo!
My bias Kris!
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The members |
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Exo as a christmast tree!Jane's fave on the top |
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